September 21, 2024

Distinguished Delegates,

Our great party, the PDP, is again at the threshold,indeed on the very cusp of history, to determine the fate of the most populous black nation on earth. To steer despondent  Nigerians  away from extreme hunger, impoverishment,needless bloodletting and impending social strife occasioned by years of failed promises, blatant excuses and dashed expectations.

The situation is so dire that we at ATIKU HOMEGROWN DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE ( Atiku HDI), are compelled by posterity to encourage all our distinguished National Delegates of the PDP to start to rewrite Nigeria’s history today through our bold choices and the courageous actions we take in healing the wounds of the past.

It is a daunting task, yes daunting!!! because of the despotic ,subversive and desperate tendencies of the ruling Buhari administration that has taken governance to an abysmal low in our history, beating only his own record of poor performance on all Key Performance Indicators as a military dictator.

Even during the civil war,the fabric uniting the different tribes was never as threatened  as currently obtains!The incumbent,unfortunately is a symbol,an agent of strife,discord and disunity.Under  this administration, nepotism,bigotry and chauvinistic ethnic tendencies,an untramelled degree of profligacy( all character flaws of the incumbent) have been elevated into matters of State Policy.

The hollow but much touted fight against corruption has only created a new untouchable tribe of super corrupt billionaires,who are members or supporters of the APC, at the expense of the good health and survival of the majority.

The rate at which businesses are folding up with millions of energetic young minds loosing their means of livelihood is alarming. The gains made under the last administration in the fight against insurgency have been eroded and our nation’s security has become more precarious with the subterranean release  of several known active terrorists into our under-policed society/ integration of same into our armed forces through orchestrated jail breaks and veiled Presidential pardons.

So incalculable is the damage done to the soul of Nigeria within a space of three and half years, that entrusting the fate of Nigerians in the hands of a Buhari led APC for another term will truncate our present and jeopardise the future destiny of even our children yet unborn.

Revered Delegates, Nigerians today look up to the PDP to rescue them from the suffocating grip of the despotic APC mal-administrion.

This is why His Excellency, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar has offered himself on the alter of service to his nation.

As the critical decision point which will determine the choice of who flies the banner of our great party, we at Atiku HDI will endeavor to remind you of the sterling democratic credentials that stand His Excellency, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar out from the crowd.

Atiku Abubakar is a man who understands the urgency of the moment, the enormity of the task ahead,possesses the capacity to add value and is prepared and courageous enough to take the plunge to address the challenges from the root cause. As a retired public servant, astute businessman and former Vice – President, he is sufficiently armed with our socio-economic and political history to bring about a complete turnaround in our national fortunes without wasting time on trial and error.

He’s a tested leader, during whose stint as VP and Chairman of the National Economic Council, several economic reforms took place. Reforms that attracted billions in Foreign Direct Investment, leading to the creation of new jobs in their millions. Under his supervision,the entire healthcare architecture of the Country was revamped under the VAMED intervention.

A trusted credible alternative, a bridge builder across social, economic, ethnic and religious divides. His life attests to this and his record of service does not contradict the fact. Atiku is a pan-nationalist, that understands the dangers of advancing an ethno religious supremacist agenda in a multi-ethnoreligious society like ours.

His clamour for restructuring is indeed genuine and unconditional,a position taken by him as far back as 1994.He is a strong believer in the rule of law and promotion of democratic ideals(evidenced by His midwifing the EFCC) himself having been protected by the law from despotic tendencies and tyrannical oppression.


Atiku is a pragmatic politician that has remained on the cutting edge of latest global economic trends. His domestic and global engagements on issues of common interest to our world, issues such as: big data, disruptive technology, terrorism, cyber terrorism, global warming, child marriage, education for the girl-child, polio eradication etc, all attest to Atiku’s conversance with the digital nature of development and information  and portrays him as a man thats constantly in sync with his environment and the global stage.


Dear delegates, with Atiku in the driver’s seat, there will peace and unity in the land, safe spaces will be guaranteed for our families and borders, our economy will bounce back

,prosperity will be restored and,Nigerians will have access to improved healthcare, underpinning the core kernel of his agenda for Nigerians: Security, Jobs, Prosperity, Quality healthcare.

Your election as National Delegates is a sacred trust,and as you do the needful by casting your vote for Atiku Abubakar, Nigeria will work again.


VOTE ATIKU ABUBAKAR  #LetsGetNigeriaWorkingAgain




Olumide OGUNKUA.        


Oluwatoyin BALOGUN



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