September 21, 2024

What is Restructuring Nigeria?

Basically the talk of restructuring means that many feel like the centre or federal government which is vested with the control of all resources is too powerful.

And to them, the way out is to return the ownership of these resources to states or geo-political zones which may then pay taxes to run the government at the centre.


Restructuring Nigeria would make a whole lot of sense if properly understood and implemented. The Nigerian system of government is a centralized government. In this system of government we have a big powerful central government which controls virtually all the affairs of the state government.

The central government which is also known as the federal government controls the amount of resources given to state government, approves the amenities to be put in place by the states as well as the ability of the state to generate power.
The state government requires the approval of the federal government to carry out any project and may not go ahead with any project if denied by the federal government, even if the project is much needed by the state!
This is how things are done in the present Nigerian government. But now, Nigerians thinks that the country might be run in a different way – which is smoother and more transparent than the present system.
The citizens wants the federal government to vest more powers on the state government. They want the state government to control all the internal affairs of the country while the federal government controls international interest of the country.
It will become the responsibility of the federal government to oversee our foreign policy, defence, and economy. While the state government will deal with all internal issues like electric generation, building of universities, construction of roads and securities.

To me the need to restructure Nigeria is good but the problem is several individuals who were the architect by clamoring for the restructuring of the Nigeria social structure hasn’t given a clear definition of what they meant by restructuring, their models, modalities and even the timing of the exercise they are agitating for, also most of those groups and individuals leading the clamor are mostly from the south region and notably the south South Geo political zone while others from the southern part thanks and feel the reason behind the agitation for the restructuring is because the south constitute what makes up the bulk of Nigeria wealth because the owns and controls several mineral resource in the country.

Contrary to this opinion by some unidentified person, Nnamdi kanu was quoted by which recently reported that Nnamdi Kanu has said he does not believe in the restructuring of Nigeria being called by eminent Nigerians, saying that Nigerian government would not keep any agreement reached in the restructuring exercise.

According to him, it is referendum or nothing. He said Aburi agreement was reneged on by Nigerian government and that the 2014 National Conference was dumped where it was coated by dust until the Biafra agitation became intense and it was remembered.
Meanwhile Presidential aspirants of the PDP Atiku Abubakar, Ibrahim Gbadamosi Babaginda as well as the current speaker of the federal house of Representatives Rtd Hon Yakubu Dongara was actually in support of restructuring Nigeria


*The need to restructure Nigeria*

The issue of restructuring is still on the front-burner of national discourse and there are various recommendations from different ethnic groups and regions based on personal demands e.g. State police, ownership of resources, weaker centre, true fiscal federalism e.t.c. To you, can restructuring, possibly benefit all Nigerians, irrespective of location, religion or ethnic colouration? Is there a common positive restructuring tip for all citizens?
The restructuring advocates point out that all the subsequent constitutions were handed down by the military. They emphasize that the 1999 Constitution currently in operation was a product of the military and that it is a carryover of the unitary system of governance imposed by military-style governance. Hence they call for a re-enactment of “true federalism” and “true fiscal federalism”, the like of the 1960s which left the Regions with sufficient resources to perform. They argue along this line of postulations contrary to the fact that the current 36 States of the federation get more money than the former Regions.


Having analyzed all the available facts and advantages of decentralized governance it will be a wise decision to restructure the country. Here are some reasons why we believe Nigeria should be restructured.

Above many facts, restructuring will ease the federal government of too much stress of over seeing the affairs of the 36 States on the 6 Geo political zones and it will help booster the reduction in corruption if which the current Bhuari administration is fighting, restructuring will curb the centralization of power in the federal government and it will ease each States of depending on federal government allowances and bail out funds to run their government as each state will have the autonomy and ideology of internally generated revenue to cater for Their needs in such state
Among several proposed reason or the ideology behind restructuring here are few highlighted reasons of restructuring

1. Security
One of the vital functions of the government to it’s citizens is the provision of security for them and their property. Having help coming to your doorstep in the quickest time is the dream of every person.
Now when the country is restructured, each state will be responsible for it’s police as well as firefighters. This will ensure that help can easily be provided.
It is not news that most firefighters often arrive at fire scenes when issues are already out of hand and still complain that equipment they require for their services have not been sent from Abuja.
But with each state responsible for providing all the needed equipment they would be able to function more efficiently.

2. Electricity
Currently the federal government is responsible for the generation of power for the various states and we can see where that has led us to.
But giving the power to the state government that each states should stand alone and generate power to be consumed by the states will lead to more efficient power management.
3. Competition
Giving more powers to the state will probably result in competition amongst the state as each will try to do better than the other.
This could lead to more development and innovation and as well as increase tax yield as all states will be dependent on their tax yields, there will be hardly embezzlement of funds because it can easily be tracked.

Basically restructuring is all about bring about development from the state down to the federal level as opposed to the current from of governance of bringing about development from the federal to States level

With all these clear fact and analysis I think you all will agree and subscribe to our thoughts that Nigeria should be restructured but that’s not the end as the restructuring also comes with some problems which will be in the volume two of this discourse titled “problems and prospects of restructuring Nigeria”.


Written by
a fresh graduate of the department of sociology Olabisi Onabanjo University Ago iwoye
A socio political analyst, business strategist, social researcher, motivational speaker and a writter
[email protected]
Political researchers
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