March 12, 2025

The man dies in all who keep silent in the face of tyranny, says, Wole Soyinka; in his prose titled ‘The Man Died’. Prof. Humphrey Nwosu was the Umpire in the ’93 presidential election.

He faced the tyrannical Sani Abacha.
Paraphrasing Mao Tseng Tsung, otherwise known as Chairman Mao, ‘Power comes from the barrel of gun’. He who controls the barrel controls the power.

Abacha controlled the armoury and the power. He summoned Nwosu, he ordered him to declare the election inconclusive. Nwosu manned himself up. The man in him did not die. Nwosu was not silent- and he defied the orders of Abacha. Just as WS concluded a part( A Letter To Compatriots)of the same prose aforementioned with the line: ‘ In any people that submit willingly to the ‘daily humiliation of fear’, the man dies.’ The man will die in us if we fail to request an honour be bestowed on Nwosu

Given the patriotism and valiance he had displayed, Prof. Humphrey Nwosu deserves a posthumous honour too! Let’s reward merits. Let’s reward diligence.

I’m Folorunso Fatai Adisa

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