March 12, 2025

The problem with some folks is their inability to make firm decisions. An average man naturally shifts his grounds based on circumstances. Their integrity at this point becomes situational. In other words, the situation at hand is a major determinant of their stand, whether to keep or renege on their promises.

Some electorates today are very unstable like water. Some don’t know what they want. Others know, but their wants are often negatively influenced by greed. That’s why today, they support candidate A, and the next day their loyalty shifts to candidate B.

In developed climes, people hardly shift their grounds when it comes to choice of candidate. They are firm in their decision and loyal to their candidate to the latter, no matter the influence from others. But here, it is very common to see a man who stood by a particular candidate yesterday, standing with another today.

To all supporters of Barr. Otobong Bob, for Nsit Ubium State Constituency, I sincerely urge you never to shift grounds. The choice you have made is the best. Let nothing influence your decision. Enemies would want to use all tricks to dissuade you. But hear the instruction, “My son, if any man entice you to do evil, consent thou not “. By implication, if any man attempt to lie to you to run away from the right decision you made to support Barr. Otobong Bob, adhere not.

We must get it right this time around. Barr. Otobong Bob remains the best candidate for Nsit Ubium State Constituency in 2019. There is no two ways about it. The dice has been cast, and all odds have favoured the gentleman, Barr. Bob.

Let your yes be yes, stand firm and see the Salvation of the Lord in the end. Barr. Otobong Bob is the answer.


Rev’d Richard Peter writes from Ukot-Ekpene

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