February 24, 2025

The tail end of Juma’at prayer in central mosque of the university of Ilorin on Friday reportedly witnessed a mini commotion caused by a lizard.

According to an eyewitness accounts by one Ghalib who is a student of the institution, the uproar made several people to run helter-skelter to safe their lives.

He account reads:

Who Else Doesn’t Fear Death As A Small Lizard Causes Commotion At Unilorin Central Mosque?

Forthwith after the jumaat service was concluded,I started doing supplications (Adhkaar). Behold,the next thing I could observe was to see people jumping the fence and running helter skelter from the inner part to where I was sitting (outside).

In few seconds,the two other people beside me got missing like ghosts and I was left alone on the mat. Mere asking myself in fear on what prompted the incidence,I heard a voice from the microphone yelling *”La Ilaha Illa llah”*. Without hesitating anymore,I picked my sandals and took to my heels to a very short distance and stopped.

Hitherto, people were busy jumping, running from every corner of the mosque and some had to step on others to pave ways for their escape routes with no reasons. I even wondered why some people partly believed it was a bomb.

The incidence stopped some minutes which resulted in injuries in people,lost of phones and their likes. I later moved ahead to those inside the mosque, asking them the major cause of it. Frankly,some people were seen breathing heavily as they could not provide any reason for the incidence.

In a nutshell, it was later gathered that a small lizard fell on lady abruptly,and her yelling made other ladies beside her run helter-skelter,which eventually led to a big commotion inside and outside the mosque without excluding the Imam,the Muhadhin,the security men,the VC, members of staff and other Muslim students run from death on no reasons.

Candidly,few courageous people stood still and moved no inch during the incidence. But what should we say of the majority who took to their heels running away from death without an obvious chaser?

“And indeed,the death you are running away from,will catch you a day and return you to the one who knows the secrets and the obvious”.(suratul jumah)

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