The 22-year old female student of the Cross River University of Technology, identified as Priscilla Ojong, who was earlier declared missing after she allegedly left Calabar for Lagos three weeks ago, has in a new development, made a video of herself to show that she isn’t missing, NaijaCover Reports.
It was earlier reported by NaijaCover, in a viral report that Priscilla who is in her third year at the university reportedly went missing after she supposedly travelled from Calabar to Lagos State three weeks ago on the invitation of a male friend.
In the new video Obtained By NaijaCover, that she made, Priscilla shared that the reason why people raised alarm on her whereabout was because she has been offline due to a damaged mobile phone.
According to her, her phone got damaged and the process of getting a new one made her unavailable online which caused panic amongst the people who know her, making them declare her missing, NaijaCover Learnt.
She then emphasizes that she was never missing and isn’t in Lagos but in Calabar before thanking everyone for looking out and caring for her.