March 12, 2025


The Presidency is to spend a total sum of NN2.102 billion on refreshment, wildlife maintenance and miscellaneous in the 2022 budget estimate recently signed into law by President Mohammadu Buhari.

The sum to be spent by the Presidency for State House Operations is also going to be on sports activities and renovation of buildings in the fiscal year.

From the amount, the Presidency is expected to spent N35,983,460 on sporting and gaming activities; N57,269,895 on wildlife and N1,023,679,451 in the year under review.

Similarly, the sum of N135,953,460 will be spent on refreshment and N55,056,446 on renovation works.

The spending is expected to come from N4,596,128,367 recurrent expenditure and N7,717,279,814 for Capital .

All these are to be spent out of N91,652,254,250 for personnel, N16,252,859,677 for overhead, 42,705,496,007 for capital from a total of N150,590,609,934 allocation for Presidency in the year.

A breakdown of the spending shows that the President will spend N30,652,500 on refreshment and N21,974,763,310 on House construction and provision of office buildings.

The spending is expected to come from the 24,835,805,231 total allocation for the President. Out of which, N21,974,763,310 is earmarked for capital while N2,861,041,921 is earmarked for recurrent expenditure for the fiscal year.

The Vice President on the other hand is expected to spend N5,488,632 on sporting activities; N20,264,397 on refreshment/meals; N38,297,163 on computers hardware and softwares.

Our checks shows that the whole amount is to be spent out of the N1,048,618,092 recurrent expenditure earmarked for the State House Headquarters and N31,909,360 capital allocations from the total allocation of N1,183,011,298 for the office in the year. (Vanguard)

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