March 12, 2025

“Bandits paid me between N30,000 and N50,000 naira for a round of sex. I helped them do their shopping to prevent them from arrest, Says 39 year old Maryam Abubakar.

I knew they were into kidnapping, banditry and arm robbery but I decided to date one of them despite my married status because my husband was not taking care of me as his wife but this my boyfriend takes care of me and gives me lots of money.

One day, some bandits said I should introduce more girls to them so I brought two girls and they were given 50 000 naira per night.

I felt my 15 year old and 17 year old daughters can also benefit so I introduced them to the bandits and they were given lots of money as such. Some of the burdens I have like feeding them and clothing them reduced on me.”

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