March 9, 2025

As campaigns for the 2023 general elections pick up the pace, the Nigerian Professional for Peter Obi, NPPO, on Thursday, urged youths across Nigeria to reclaim the country from corrupt and incompetent leaders.

They said for lengthy decades, the country has continued to wobble and is currently at a precipice, saying any mistake in choice of leadership would send the country crashing with unimaginable consequences for not only the country but the black race.

The convener, NPPO, Dr. Ikechukwu Stanley Okafor, who spoke on behalf of the group, charged the youths to seize the opportunity of the 2023 polls to effect a paradigm shift in leadership style in Nigeria by ensuring the election of Peter Obi as president.

Lamenting the country’s poor Human Development Indices, Okafor stated: “At no time in the history of this nation is the quest for good leadership more exigent than now. With youth unemployment and underemployment at a staggering 63.5%, 82.9 million people are living in abject poverty making Nigeria the world’s poverty capital.

“20 million out of school children according to UNESCO report, inflation rate at 20:52%, second most corrupt country in West Africa, an endless ASUU strike and insecurity at its worst since independence, our country is in dire straits and in need of urgent intervention to halt the downward slide”, he added.

Explaining further, he said: “It is this pitiable state of the union and the need to salvage the country from thieving rent seekers, and, corrupt establishment proponents, that has provoked the wave of youth consciousness sweeping through the country.

“The youthful majority that has been either absent or relegated to the background in the leadership recruitment process of the nation, have realized that if they do not retrieve their country from incompetent, clueless and corrupt charlatans, masquerading as leaders, they may have no country to call their own, tomorrow.

“The Nigerian Professionals for Peter Obi, therefore wishes to commend the reawakened patriotic zest of the youths and their keen interest in the 2023 elections.

“We urge them to stay resolute, focused, and undeterred in their quest to save our nation from total collapse. We believe there is no better time than now to stake their claim for a Nigeria that works for all.

“Of all the candidates jostling for the Presidency of Nigeria, no one offers hope of unity, shared prosperity and economic recovery, collective progress, security, and renewed nationalism, like his excellency Mr. Peter Obi.”

Speaking about the Labour Party’s structure, lead strategy of Mobilation, NPPO, Progress Okuk, said there can not be any more structure than teeming Nigerians.

“The community wants a child and everybody comes together and put their hands together to raise that child. So, that is what is happening to the Nigerian people. We have said that we are the structure, we are going to drive this candidate, so that when this person becomes the president, he will feel obligated to us the Nigerian people”, she averred.

Ahmed Lolo, a participant and a Borno born drummed support for Peter Obi, saying: “I have assurance that Peter Obi will change Nigeria for good.”

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