March 12, 2025

Top secret documents leaked online confirm that Western special forces, including those from the UK, have been operating inside Ukraine. The leaked files reveal sensitive details of Ukraine’s preparations for a spring counter-offensive against Russia. The presence of these forces is likely to be seized upon by Moscow, which has argued that it is not just confronting Ukraine, but NATO as well. The UK, which has the largest contingent of special forces in Ukraine, has not commented on the matter.

The document reveals that other NATO countries, including Latvia, France, the US, and the Netherlands, also have special forces on the ground in Ukraine. Although the numbers of personnel are small, special forces are highly effective by nature. It is unclear where the forces are located or what they are doing. However, the document’s authenticity has been confirmed by Pentagon officials.

The presence of Western special forces in Ukraine has been the subject of quiet speculation for over a year. The UK has been a staunch supporter of Ukraine and is the second-largest donor after the US of military aid to Kyiv. Meanwhile, the US Department of Justice has launched a criminal investigation into the source of the leak.

The leak of these documents underscores the serious level of inaccuracy in allegations that have the potential to spread misinformation. While the UK’s Ministry of Defence has not commented on the matter, the leaked files suggest that the situation in Ukraine remains volatile, and the presence of Western special forces is likely to escalate tensions between Russia and the West.

Source: BBC

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