October 18, 2024


A civil society organization, Nigerians For Good Governance has advised the Governor Ademola Adeleke to prioritize good governance above any selfish and political interest in discharge of his their duties.

According to the convener, Comrade Wole Oladapo at a press briefing in Osogbo on Monday, Governor Ademola deserved commendation for the way he has been handling the affairs of the State, most importantly, in the areas of W
workers’ welfare.

The group urged the Governor to be “cautious of politicians with dodgy track records, who want to feed off Osun’s resources in ways that make it impossible for the State to develop.

“These professional politicians have no jobs and no honorable means of livelihood other than government patronage and we dare say that the patronage they have enjoyed sometimes in the history of Osun State, is one of the reasons the State is in such a dire State today.

“We advise the Governor to henceforth make it clear to his supporters and other
political stakeholders, that violence and violent conduct shall not be condoned in
Osun State. He must make it clear that he has no such intention of returning Osun to
the dark days of political thuggery, violence, and barbarism”.

“The Governor also must show a clear preference for good governance by ensuring that those persons who pushed Osun to the brink are not given any undue recognition in his government. The Governor owes it a duty to the people of Osun State, to ensure that the State is taken permanently out of the grip of corrupt elements who contributed in one way or the other, to the rot that we are dealing with today”.

Addressing the issues of the 8th State Assembly, the group urged Governor Adeleke to make judicious use of his influence among the lawmakers for the betterment of Osun people. They called on the governor to support emergence of a vibrant and experienced member as Speaker of the Assembly.

“The Governor must wield his influence over Members of the incoming 8th Assembly, to ensure that a proper, experienced, and capable leader is installed, that will rebrand the perception of the Assembly in the minds of the average Osun citizen”.

“Despite having a majority of new entrants into politics, the incoming Assembly is blessed with four experienced, ranking Members, who have the requisite qualification to lead the Assembly, according to the extant standing orders of the House, and have the necessary knowledge of the workings of the Legislature and can deliver a leadership that is focused on the enormous tasks before the Assembly”.

“We believe that ensuring a more functional State Assembly begins from ensuring that Members elect a Leadership that has the capacity, experience, and the right
intentions. After this is done, the Governor then needs to ensure the true autonomy of the State”.

“House of Assembly, such that the House can function without undue interference from the Executive. Such autonomy can be with political guidance, but must not become a choke-hold that will hinder the House from performing its duties as a critical arm of government”, they reiterated.

“This is quite important as these Members stand as one of the most effective channels through which the State Government can reach the grassroots and get feedback from it. A functional legislature will play a huge role in the success of this administration if encouraged and allowed to function according to its schedule of responsibilities”, they stated.

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