March 10, 2025

The Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) is a Federal Government Agency established over 23 years ago by Former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo. Its leadership has at different points in time, been given to bad and corrupt leaders who did nothing but milk the Interventionist Agency dry.

Likened to the biblical days when the children of Israel had to enter into the promised land, the Niger Delta people have been looking forward to the days when mismanagement of her resources will be a thing of the past, previous heads of the “cash farm”, Niger Delta Development Commission ( NDDC ) like Moses played their parts but couldn’t take the region to the promised land, probably because it wasn’t their destiny to.

In the book of Exodus, after the children of Israel toiled for years (40 to be precise), God anointed Joshua as the one to lead his people to Canaan, the land which he had sworn to Abraham and his descendants… fast forward to the present day, the oil Rich Niger Delta Region has suffered neglect and abject poverty for 23 long years, not because moves and resources haven’t been earmarked for its development but because the time to enter into the promised land had not come.

On Wednesday 4th of January, former President Buhari through the Immediate Past Minister of Niger Delta Affairs, Uman Okon Umana inaugurated Dr. Samuel Ogbuku as MD/CEO NDDC alongside other members of the board, this brought a breath of hope around the region as Traditional Rulers, Governors, Captains of industries, Women & youths couldn’t hide their ecstasy owing to Dr Ogbuku’s track records. Being a man of vision he started engaging relevant stakeholders from day one in other to ensure everyone was carried along and sought the opinion (suggestions ) of “all and sundry” as Chief Samuel understands every opinion counts.

On Friday 16th June 2023, incumbent President Tinubu dissolved all Governing boards, Parastatals, Agencies, etc and this brought sadness around the region as everyone thought Chief Dr. Samuel Ogbuku couldn’t fulfill his aspirations for the region since his tenure had been shortlived. Days later, precisely on June 19th, 2023, joy returned when the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Niger Delta clarified that the dissolution didn’t affect the CEOs (MD, EDP & EDFA) of NDDC, and directed Ogbuku and his men to go back to work and fulfill their mandate.

Like Joshua in the bible, Samuel Ogbuku has won many battles ranging from internal rancor within the defunct board to external power tussle and manipulation from high places. He will also lead the region to the land of milk and honey as he confirmed when he met with the staff of the commission on June 22nd, that before this time when he met President Tinubu, he observed that Mr. President was anxious to reposition the NDDC to ensure that it worked in the interest of the people of the region, stating: “I made a pledge to President Tinubu that all resources at the Commission’s disposal will be judiciously utilized to increase and improve the impact of the NDDC in the region, and he gave me a new commandment to ensure we fast-track the development of the region”.

With Dr. Samuel, the Niger Delta Region will enjoy the benefits of the promise (Canaan), the region will flow with “Milk & Honey” as he & his team have put in place several developmental plans and policies that will give Niger Delta the platform to thrive. The days of meager projects are over, as the NDDC under the ” Captainship ” of her M.D/CEO Samuel Ogbuku Ph.D. will focus and embark on only “signature projects ” which will bring about sudden turnaround of the fortunes of ordinary Niger Deltans, fulfilling the promise and mandate for which the Interventionist Agency was created.

Martins Ogolo,
A Public Affairs Analyst ,
Writing from Opunongor in Ogolo’s Compound,
Ancient Opobo Kingdom.
[email protected]

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