In a devastating turn of events, a Russian rocket struck an apartment building in Lviv, a western Ukrainian city, resulting in the deaths of at least four people. The attack, described by Lviv’s mayor as one of the largest on the city’s civilian infrastructure, left another 32 people injured. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky vowed to deliver a “tangible” response to the assault by “Russian terrorists.” Russia’s military has not commented on the incident, adding to the escalating tension between the two countries.
According to Ukrainian officials, Russia launched the missiles from the Black Sea. The Armed Forces of Ukraine claimed that seven out of ten Kalibr cruise missiles were shot down, but one missile changed its course, hitting Lviv. However, these claims have yet to be independently verified. The attack on Lviv comes after months of deadly missile and drone strikes by Russia on Ukrainian cities, often targeting civilians and causing significant damage to infrastructure.
Although Lviv is located in western Ukraine, far from the front lines in the south and east, it has not been spared from Russian attacks. Just last month, critical infrastructure in the city was hit in a drone attack. The latest strike on an apartment building has sent shockwaves through Lviv, leaving its residents on edge and fearing for their safety. The situation remains highly volatile as both sides continue to engage in hostilities, escalating the already tense Russia-Ukraine war.