October 18, 2024

In a recent statement, Oluwo, His Imperial Majesty Oba (Dr.) Abdulrosheed Adewale Akanbi, Telu I, has voiced his concerns and disapproval of the actions of former Nigerian President General Obasanjo, attributing blame to certain monarchs who showed compliance in an incident that he considers a desecration of traditional institutions.

Oluwo expressed his firm belief in the sanctity of his position and the cultural significance of traditional rulers. He emphasized that respect is a two-way street, with monarchs expected to accord their subjects and elders the respect they deserve. Kingship, in his view, is a divine institution, demanding a high level of modesty, courtesy, and respect in interactions with monarchs.

The incident involving General Obasanjo’s actions has deeply troubled Oluwo and, in his eyes, was a deliberate act of sacrilege against the revered Yoruba stools of authority. He asserted that Yoruba traditional rulers should not be treated as easily commanded figures, and he expressed his dissatisfaction with the Royal Fathers who complied with such an embarrassing directive.

While Oluwo refrained from naming specific monarchs, he made it clear that he has confidence in certain ones who would not allow such a situation to occur, stating, “Iwo kogba igbakugba.”

Oluwo continued to condemn General Obasanjo’s behavior, asserting that the Yoruba traditional institutions deserve an apology for the open desecration they endured. He called upon General Obasanjo to prove his commitment to Yoruba culture by issuing an apology letter. Oluwo emphasized that kings are not to be taken lightly; they are fathers and deserve respect.

This incident, according to Oluwo, should serve as a wake-up call to the Yoruba community, especially to Royal Fathers. He believes that such incidents occur when monarchs become entangled with secret societies, suggesting that they should refrain from affiliations that could compromise their positions.

In conclusion, Oluwo, through his Chief Press Secretary Alli Ibraheem, has expressed his strong disapproval of the incident involving General Obasanjo and the monarchs who complied. He remains steadfast in upholding the dignity and respect associated with Yoruba traditional institutions.

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