October 18, 2024

Finland’s parliamentary elections have certainly been an intense and closely fought contest, with the country’s right-wing populists, conservatives, and Prime Minister Sanna Marin’s center-left party all vying for control. Despite the potential for significant international issues to influence the election, such as Finland’s potential membership in NATO and Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine, little impact has been felt on the campaign trail. Instead, the election’s battleground has been focused on the country’s economy, with public debt emerging as a significant issue.

Finland faces a critical structural problem with an aging population and labor shortage. The country’s welfare state has long been a source of pride for its citizens, but how it can be financed in the future has become a central issue in this election. The question of whether the country can continue to sustain its prized welfare state without incurring unsustainable levels of debt is a critical issue for voters.

Whichever party comes out on top on this evening is likely to have the first opportunity to form a government. The stakes are high, and the election’s outcome could have significant implications for the country’s future trajectory. The party that takes the reins will be tasked with finding solutions to the country’s economic challenges and securing the long-term sustainability of the welfare state.

One issue that has been of particular concern to voters is the country’s public debt. Finland’s public debt currently stands at around 70% of GDP, a figure that has risen significantly in recent years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While most parties have acknowledged the need to address the issue, their proposed solutions have varied widely.

The center-left party led by current Prime Minister Sanna Marin has pledged to tackle public debt by investing in education, innovation, and infrastructure to boost economic growth. The party has also promised to increase tax revenue by cracking down on tax evasion and closing tax loopholes.

The right-wing populist party, on the other hand, has advocated for a more aggressive approach to reducing public debt. They have called for cuts to public spending, including welfare programs, and for increased privatization of state-owned assets.

The conservative party has taken a more moderate approach, advocating for a mix of spending cuts and revenue-raising measures. They have also proposed structural reforms aimed at increasing economic efficiency and promoting growth.

Beyond public debt, another critical issue facing the incoming government will be how to address the challenges posed by Finland’s aging population and labor shortage. As the population continues to age, the country will need to find new ways to support the welfare state, including finding innovative ways to boost productivity and attract skilled workers.

Regardless of which party emerges victorious on election day, it is clear that Finland’s next government will face significant challenges. The country’s economic future and the sustainability of its welfare state are at stake, and the incoming government will need to find innovative and sustainable solutions to these pressing issues.

Source: BBC

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