February 19, 2025


1. Can we meet you?
 I am Adelana Demilade from Ogun state.
2. How has life generally, starting from your childhood till now?
Life’s been good though not all that rosy but I thank God for giving me a family that taught me to pray, work hard, have faith and stay strong despite all odds so as to pull through the challenges in life.
3. You have been awarded bachelor’s degree by the University of Ilorin, tell us how you feel.
Mere words cannot express the way I feel. I’m overwhelmed with joy. All I can say is that i’m a product of God’s grace. I owe it all to the Almighty and my ever supportive family.
4. How has been your days at the end of Ilorin? Describe them in two sentences?
Interesting, though crazy and stressful at times. Its just been a mixture of the good, the bad and the ugly but I learnt a whole lot.
5. You were a renowned and famous student politician in your faculty and student’s Union generally, what are the Post(s) held, achievements and lessons learned?
I was a Senator representing the Faculty of Physical Sciences at the SU level during the ’15/16 as well as the ’16/17 academic sessions. I had the opportunity of meeting people of great intellect, working with them and also contributing to making the parliamentary years successful. I learnt alot, part of which is to be selfless, slow to judge and courageous.
6. Were you ever immersed in any crisis, if yes briefly say what it was all about, lessons learned and how you got over it?
7. What is the best thing you’re proud of? Your most regrettable action sir?
I am proud of the fact that despite being a Physicist, I was able to socialize and engage in politics and some other activities,  earning myself awards from the Student Union, the Faculty including my department. It can only be God!
 No regrets, just lessons learned.
8. What do you like most in UNILORIN? And what do you think deserve(s) change
I like the academic calendar. Its a steady one. I really hope more hostels be built to accommodate more students so as to reduce the issue of transportation.
9. In the next 4 years, do you see yourself become a full politician
 God willing.
10. Departing words for the junior colleagues ma
  • Be focused, mingle with the right people, pray, work hard and success is definitely yours.

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