October 18, 2024

The love of CODEINE, BENYLIN and TUTOLIN might be the beginning of renal failure, mental disorder, hyper sensitivity reactions and finally, death!

Perhaps, it is not that the above listed drugs are poisonous,NO! However, an excessive intake of the aforementioned drugs consequently occasion renal failure, body rashes vomiting amidst other effects.

The aforesaid are cough syrups which are prevalent among Nigeria’s new generation of drug abusers. It contains codeine, an ingredient that has the ability to tackle acute cough and other lungs viral infections in children and adult. It also activates drowsiness as a result of overdose which causes high supply of blood to the brain.

Notably, these syrups are expected to be taken three times daily with a teaspoon or as prescribed by the physician. Mindlessly, abusers gulp all the 14milligram at once as opposed by physicians,which could go a long way in causing harmful defects.

Alas! This trending menace has created an harsh side effect on nursing mothers as cough syrup they get for #200 now goes for #750 and above as those of #450,500 goes for #1,200 etc. as a result of the high level of patronages by abuser who are mostly youths.

In a chat wit a user of Tutolin,he explained that gulping the 14milligrame at once makes him feel sleepy and inturn gets his body system to work as desired. Afterward, he could work as expected and think rationally, what an addict! I shook my head in pity!

I wonder why one should decisively cause harm to oneself all in the name of momentary pleasure or “getting high” as usually said. My people would say “Olowo fowo ra iku”.

In sum, i feel this ugly trend could be doused through the request for doctors prescription script at drug stores before selling drugs to anyone. Also parents should enlighten and monitor their wards on drug usages as we cannot afford to be docile while our leaders of tomorrow are turning drug addicts, by implication, useless!

I’m Folorunso Fatai Adisa
I’m #ThatUnilorinBoy.

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