July 27, 2024


The Rivers State chapter of the All Progressives Congress has once again lambasted the Governor of the State, Siminalayi Fubara over what it described as cluelessness.

Tony Okocha, the caretaker chairman of the APC in a statement on Tuesday said the Party is only concerned with the development in State and not the back and forth argument.

The statement reads:

We have seemed aloof and not willing to dissipate efforts over the ant~rants , uncanny cacophony of war drums, uncouth throwbacks and official/unofficial threats that have doted the political hemisphere of Rivers State under a clueless Government.

We shudder over the preference/promotion/funding of those crass and degenerate asininities over productive stakeholders engagements as typical of civilised societies. But because we envision and decrypt the abysmal oblivion which Rivers State is plunging into, we cannot as main opposition political party in Rivers State, continue to stand idly-by whilst the dramatis personae all of PDP stock, relishing in their enterprise, succeed in decapitating the unity of Rivers State.

What is most disturbing is the fact that Gov. Siminalayi Fubara who ought to be the stabiliser and biggest beneficiary of decorum in the State that he was elected to govern, is on the driver’s seat, in the ear-tingling toxic spews and exchanges that only show off Rivers State as a dead-end of development in the comity of States in Nigeria.

Gov. Fubara very intentionally and deliberately panders to hitherto pulled out rotten mollars from the beautiful political dentition of Rivers State. So well that such known official warlords, whose activities destroyed even their immediate communities in recent past and ipso facto, ought to remain in their cocoon of shame and dishonour, are heavily emboldened energised and funded to promote ethnic jingoism and chauvinism in Rivers State.

When have such characters with the sordid history and ignoble traits, performed the rights of propitiation?
When have they been “confirmed washed in the lamb”?

Today, those rabble-rousers, freely feign sanctimonious and take the rostrum to speak as representatives of a sitting Governor Fubara.
“O! Rivers State!, why have thou been panged and plagued by Bad Leadership as presented by Gov. Sim Fubara?

Have they not in their characteristic feature ostensibly commenced the drumming of war along ethnic divides?
Have we not been reading the possible relapse to the hitherto degenerate and parochial Upland/Riverine dichotomy arguments?
What is the intention?

Because it looks soothing to a clueless Gov. Sim, he has not remembered the African proverb of the Monkey and felling Trees in the Forest. He wouldn’t rein in such tendencies and negative energies but fuel them. But because he lacks commitment and as ill-prepared as he is, “let the heavens fall”.

Rivers People wake up to hear the double-speaks of Elders they should look up to. They pontificate on positions publicly today because of “Bread and Butter” and tomorrow, the fear of dry “Feeding bottle”, make them shamelessly recant standing on same rostrum. I wonder what legacies they are bequeathing for their generation and worse still, posterity.

We hear a Governor seeking validation by composing childish panygerics and awarding accolades to certain persons, talking about “intigrity” not “integrity”.

Listening to him, it is clear to me that he was obviously sarcastic.
Integrity doesn’t inhere in panygerics, encomiums and/eulogies.
Integrity is earned. Integrity is verifiable. It is not a gift of one to the other.

What are the integrity traits discernible in the characters of those the fledgling Governor of Rivers State, has thoughtlessly but lovingly ascribed it to?
Those who procured perpetual injunctions against the EFCC not to investigate their 8 years activities in the saddle of Rivers State Government?
Can that pass monster as Integrity?
Which other State in Nigeria exists with such dishonourable order?
Does Integrity exist in stashing away via donations of whooping sums of Rivers funds, for a selfish end in view?
Can the Awarder of titles, himself, a tiro, count 5 outstanding developmental legacies of the Government of Rivers State between 1999~2007. At least His Royal Majesty Diette Spiff, (The First military Administrator of Rivers State), is reputable for generational landmark projects in Rivers State.

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Does Integrity inhere in one being microphone friendly and possessing the ability to belie the people through soplism?

What relationship existed between a one time Deputy Governor and his boss, the Governor?
What of when the one became Governor?

What era did Rivers State start witnessing criminalities in unprecedented disturbing commercial quantities?

Why does Governor Fubara relish in embarrassing Rivers Elders?
Few days back, without reference to the laws , he re-announced Barr. Celestine Omehia as Former Governor of Rivers State and committed to remunerate him accordingly, when he knew that Omehia will fall by his own knife. Has he continued?
Isn’t Omehia now rueing in unexpressed pain?

He isolates Dr Abiye Sekibo and gifts him “Mr Integrity”. Really?
Are Rivers People bereft of sense of history?

It is actually not our business to take a swipe or diagnosis at each and every single individual that Gov Fubara is proposing a State award of Mr. Integrity. It may be a topic on the day he officially fixes the ceremony.

Our concern as a Party are as follows:

1) How much do these arrogant puffing of empty hot air, help the development of Rivers State?

2) Is the attempt to derogate/denigrate/curse on former Governor Wike, a panacea to the cluelessness of Gov. Sim’s administration?

3) Why is it that the darts thrown at Minister Wike by his ungrateful successor and his hirelings, are not enough jolts to distract his superlative performance in the Federal Capital Territory, where he holds sway. Yet development is stagnated here in Rivers State?

4) Why is Governor Fubara too shy to espouse publicly, the policy thrust of his Government like other colleagues of his, so that Rivers People will churn out/develop/mirror performance indicators?


We conclude as follow:

1)Ingratitude is not any brand of Integrity.

2)Loyalty standing on and laced with pecuniary interest, is not Integrity.

3)Unpropitiated sordid history and currying a corresponding forgiveness leaves the actor in the dark page. The one cannot come close to Integrity as a universal concept.

4)The fanning of the embers of mischief and villainy and the target of an indecorous society, cannot be a gift of a responsible government at All and Any level(s).

5) We enjoin Rivers People not to dance this macabre dance which Governor Fubara is Chief cherographer.

6) Elders taking sides in a disagreement between two Sons instead of reconciling them, is not Integrity.

7) Rivers People are entitled to fresh air and not the dangerous orchestrated altercations.

8) We shall keep warning against the cluelessness of a government, which leads the way to a dangerous fall of our dear Rivers State, from grace to grass.
This is our Creed.

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