January 13, 2025
  1. Can we meet you?

Am Iyanda Niniola Kazeem, Deputy Senate President of student union 2016/2017

2.How has life generally, starting from your childhood till now?

Life as it appears is not a one way traffic. It is full of ups and down… But Alhamdulilah, we are here today.

  1. You have been awarded bachelor’s degree by the University of Ilorin, tell us how you feel

I feel so honoured and delighted. There’s nothing like achieving a set goal.

4.How have been your days at the Ilorin? Describe them in two sentences?

Because of my full participation in extra curricula activities, I enjoyed my days in school. I feel like the school has passed through me.

5.You were a renowned and famous student politician in your faculty and student’s Union generally, what are the Post(s) held achievements and lessons learned?

Aside academic posts, the political post held are

Honourable representing 300l constituency at Law Students’ Society (LSS) Students’ Representative Council (SRC) 2014/15;

Senator representing faculty of law at students’ union level 2015/16

Deputy senate president of students’ union 2016/17.

My achievements are numerous but among them are regulating price of commodities on campus, co sponsored the Transition and Alteration Act alongside the *principal officers of the senate council of  2016/17 parliamentary session* , playing key role in amending the compendium, in conjunction with the Senate Council, especially other principal officers of d senate council led by Sen. Imam Abdulkadir. We also collectively achieved digitization of the compendium. The lessons I learnt include valuing team work and problem solving skills.


  1. Were you ever immersed in any crisis, if yes briefly say what it was all about, lessons learned and how you got over it?

No crisis DAT I could remember!


  1. What is the best thing you’re proud of? Your most regrettable action sir?

The best thing am proud of is that I was able to combine academics with extra curricula activities and my marriage.


No notable regrettable action.


  1. What do you like most in UNILORIN? And what do you think deserve(s) change?

What I like most in unilorin like many people is the fact that the academic calendar is stable and the peaceful environment is certain. This gives room for planning.  I am indeed proud of my UNI.

What I think deserves change presently is the transportation system and welfare of the students in the hall of residence. These require urgent attention and intervention.


  1. In the next 4 years, do you see yourself become a full politician?

Uhmmm… This I will say depends on the future because it is only time that will tell.


  1. Parting words for the junior colleagues ma


I will say make good use of your time judiciously while in school. Time and opportunity lost will never come back. Also, do not just pass through the school; allow the school to pass through you as well.

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