October 22, 2024

Zimbabwean President, Robert Mugabe on Monday dished out another surprise to he world when he announced the appointment of a minister on Whatsapp.

A spoof government notice hit social media as soon as President Robert Mugabe announced he had set up a new ministry responsible for Cyber Security, Threat Detection and Mitigation.

Zimbabweans reacted with customary humour to the letter, which faked the signature and letterhead of the new appointed cyber minister – Patrick Chinamasa – and instructed all WhatsApp group members to register with the ministry by November.

The letter was signed “By The Cyber Powers Vested In Me”.

President Robert Mugabe’s spokesperson, George Charamba, says Mr Mugabe came up with the idea of a new ministry to deal with an “emerging threat to the state… a threat founded on abuse and unlawful conduct”.

Social media is possibly the primary platform Zimbabweans use to communicate and receive news. It is thriving despite restrictive laws governing freedom of expression.



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