March 12, 2025
  1. Can we meet you?

I’m Lukman Shobowale, a graduate of the department of History and international studies from the University of Ilorin, Kwara State. I write, speak, inspire, pray and impact!


  1. How has life generally, starting from your childhood till now?

.           Life has been rough and I’ve come to learn that most great men usually experience a rough beginning. With this, I’m assured that the bigger the story, the greater the glory! Life then to me is sweet having this assurance.


  1. You have been awarded bachelor’s degree by the University of Ilorin, tell us how you feel.

A bachelor degree is a thing of Joy for anyone most especially In a situation whereby you’re the first in your family as it’s with my case. I must say I feel indebted to God who has enabled the fulfillment of this glorious journey of four years. It won’t end at B. Sc though!


  1. How have been your days at the end of Ilorin? Describe them in two sentences?

At the end of my four years on campus, I felt particularly delighted not because of my bank account status but most importantly due to the knowledge acquired and the impacted lives as a result of my action.


  1. You were a renowned and famous student politician in your faculty and student’s Union generally, what are the Post(s) held achievements and lessons learned?

I was Student Union President in my time. If there’s one lesson that I learnt, it’s that nothing last forever including the position you presently occupies. However, you can leave a lasting impression or legacies with how you manage power!


  1. Were you ever immersed in any crisis, if yes briefly say what it was all about, lessons learned and how you got over it?

The issue of unacceptable results to led to protest by prospective students after paying their acceptance fee and the slap scenario. In all of these cases, I learnt patience and resilience as these two cases almost disorganized the school. Hence, the need for maturity and patience.


  1. What is the best thing you’re proud of? Your most regrettable action sir?

My best thing was seeing students relieved of whatever challenges that came their way and the pleasure of seeing them smile.

My most regrettable action is not having the usual traditional souvenir of the Union distributed as planned during my time due to late delivery!


  1. What do you like most in UNILORIN? And what do you think deserve(s) change?

I love the academic calendar. You can be sure to finish a four year course in four years or less.

More attention should be paid to the environment of the school. The littering around that occurs during session does not speak well of our varsity.


  1. In the next 4 years, do you see yourself become a full politician?

I wouldn’t want to be a politician but a full fledged leader who is on the verge of delivering the future!

  1. Parting words for the junior colleagues sir

Life is a race. You either compete or die!

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