March 13, 2025
  1. Can we meet you?

Name is Abiodun Ayobami Kazeem faculty A. K. A Emeritus.

  1. How has life generally, starting from your childhood till now?

Hmm….. Life’s been good and full of fun. You know there will always be ip’s and down’s but with him, I mean ‘Allah’ I got no worries.

  1. You have been awarded bachelor’s degree by the University of Ilorin, tell us how you feel?
  2. AGRICULTURE in one of the most prestigious university. If I should talk about that it will take me days but in a nut shell I am so happy because the journey of 5years came to an end with Alihamdulillahi.. It only takes His grace.
  3. How have been your days at the end of Ilorin? Describe them in two sentences

It has been interesting and full of fun and stress but I enjoyed my stay in university of Ilorin.

  1. You were a renowned and famous student politician in your faculty and student’s Union generally, what are the Post(s) held, achievements and lessons learned?

I was an Honourable representing my constituency at the faculty level 2013/2014, A two term member of the Unilorin independent anti-corrupt practice commission 2014/15 and also 2016/17.. Chairman faculty of Agriculture constitution review committee and also the Deputy Commander Man ‘O’ war University of Ilorin command with this little opportunity I have been given to serve my people at various arms ad capacity I have learnt a lot about what leadership means and entails not just reading a text on leadership but putting it in to practice.. And I have been able to meet student politicians in and out of my faculty and even outside Kwara state. Always be yourself, be discipline and lastly be principled.

  1. Were you ever immersed in any crisis, if yes briefly say what it was all about, lessons learned and how you got over it?

Not at all.

  1. What is the best thing you’re proud of? Your most regrettable action sir?

Am proud of my course… Agriculture….. I have no regret over every action have taken so far.

  1. What do you like most in UNILORIN? And what do you think deserve(s) change?

The school academic calendar and the student’s leadership of the school with the management deserve changes. The issue of transportation something the management needs to look in to with the population of students and also the school should build more hostels most especially more male hostels.. To ease the issue of transportation.

  1. In the next 4 years, do you see yourself become a full politician.

In Sha Allah..

  1. Departing words for the junior colleagues ma.. There is time for everything… Always be yourself, be focus, be positive.

From university of Ilorin, it is not bye-bye but see you again….

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