March 12, 2025

My Dear people in Osun state, we have trusted professional politicians with our destinies for too long and they have disappointed us. They promised so much without a plan to fufil their promises. They bought our votes with a token only to convert our common patrimony to thier use and their cronies. I understand the economic dynamics of Osun state and have conducted considerable surveys on the plights of our people.

It is clear that the micro economy of Osun households is in comatose and the best way to revamp our economy is to engage in the three fold agenda which I christined as TEA. With the support of the government TEA will transform the micro economy of the state in just a matter of Two (2) years.

T: Technology Innovation for development. We shall ensure that we deploy the army of our artisans and the arrays of our intellectuals in engineering and technology fields to carve a niche for Osun in simple agricultural machine such as harvesters planters etc. The machines will be given to farmers in Osun for mechanised agriculture at subsidised price and payment on instalment

E: Enterprenural empowerment, Government shall be engaged in business through partnership and joint ventures. Ministries, departments and agencies shall also register as a business outfit to be actively involved in business that will generate profit for the government . There shall be business incubation centres where business ideas shall be cristalled and funded by the government. The funds from the government shall be converted to shares and Government shall concentrate on profit uptake rather than over taxing the impoverished people of Osun.

A: Agricultural Modernization, Osun state is endowed with good soil but the farmlands have be partitioned through inheritance that at best small holder agriculture can be practised . Government will organise contiguous farmers into cooperatives and register their farms as businesses. We shall ensure that farmers get hybrid seedlings and get right machine developed in our technology village to boost agric production. We shall also set up produce board that will assist in processing and packaging agricultural produce for export markets. We shall work with farmers in all the adopted farm settlemens to boost agrcultural productons and the living conditions of our farmers.

Above all we shall run the government with high integrity, fear of GOD and emphaty for our people. We shall give special consideration to the vulnerable and the disadvantaged.

Youth potentials shall be harnased to drive the technology model and the business programme of our government. The people to be appointed into office shall be 70% youth under the age of 45 and would be people of high integrity and impeccable character
I choose to serve to give hope to our youth and the critically poor in the state.
Full salary shall be restored immediately to civil servants and pensioners, while arrangement shall be made on how the balance of previous salaries shall be paid in six (6) months.

I solicit for your support so we can transform Osun state like the Asian Tigers and the Chinese transform their society in a shortwhile.

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