February 17, 2025

“Honesty is a very expensive gift. Do not expect it from cheap people.”- Wisdom Library.

According to an adage, “when a society activities is going peacefully, it means that its bastards are not yet grown.” In this wise, we can say it emphatically and equivocally that the bastards among the dental technicians are now grown. Mr. Afun and Mr. Gbenga are the bastards and prodigal sons of the dental technicians.

It is not that we are libeling or criticizing them, but the truths is our intellect always long for clarity and certainty, our nature often finds uncertainty less fascinating.

Despite the fact that Mr. Afun was sponsored by dental therapist board with the sum of #300,000 to contest for the National President of Dental Nurse/ Technicians, but Almighty God is wiser than man, so he lost woefully to Mr. Muhammad. As we all know that anything short of intolerance is self-centeredness. It is unfair to make others suffer for your state of mind or ways, and more importantly, it is inhuman to step on many toes for you to ride horses on the golden floors. If Mr.Afun possessed sense of reliability before now, his good character might have spoken for his ambition and his objectives might have made him achieve the position.

But the reality is that when you try to be like someone else, the best you can ever become is number 2 and the most difficult thing again to be is what people want you to be. Sincerely speaking, only God has the audacity of “be and it is.”

Along the line Mr. Afun has been compensated to be the Vice President of Dental Nurse / Technicians. Since then, he has been committed a lot of atrocities to tarnish the image of the dental technicians for him to please dental therapist board. He is working against his profession as a systematic agent of the dental therapist board with Mr. Gbenga.

One of the atrocities that Mr. Afun has committed was to be used as impostor and illegal National President of the dental technicians while he made a move to register the dental technicians illegally.

The two prodigal sons of the dental technicians, Mr. Afun and Mr. Gbenga, they collected #300,000 each from some pepper sellers in Ondo state in order to issue the certificate of being a dental technician team for them. At least five people are ready to testify to this with tangible evidence against them.

The most worrisome part of it is that those people did not went through school at all, talkless of knowing the criteria of being a dental technician, but it is also those two bast**d, Afun and Gbenga that enrolled them for national examination conducted by dental therapist board.

Afun and Gbenga were also testified against their cadre at the Federal Ministry of Health, Abuja, that they are comfortable with of being a frog that residing in the unconscious well of the dental therapist board. They did this because it was the dental therapist board that catered for their transport fare to and fro Abuja in order to testified against their profession.

Without any iota of hesitation, there are series of atrocities that has been committed by these people. Afun and Gbenga, we will need to meet at the court of law.

Muhammad Ali said and I quote, “it’s the repetition of affirmation that leads to belief. And once that belief become a deep conviction, things begins to happen.” Therefore, we will never relent in pressing our need to pull out from the dental therapist and we are going to make our will known to the general public because, the moment the repetition of affirmation becomes a belief and get a deep conviction, you have started breaking forth. Absolutely nothing shall discourage us.

For the two prodigal son of the dental technicians, there case is like a situation whereby the same mind clamour for bread and boat, you know bread will always win. Which means Mr. Afun and Mr. Adamolekun Gbenga are very cheap to the extent of working against their professions for what to eat. Nawa for them o.

Lastly, uprising overwhelming of the silent territories of intimidation have reflected that the ocean that perished the Pharaoh of yesterday is not dry, but it has been metamorphosised into the power of masses to challenge man’s inhumanity to man.
So therefore, all the bastard and the prodigal people in the society, they are going to pay with their life in eternity very soon.

Written by: Concern Dental Technicians.

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