March 12, 2025

A young lady of 22-year-old has taken to a popular relationship blog to lament that she has never been asked out by any man in her entire life.

She wrote, “I am 22 and no guys ever approach me (not even creepy or old guys approach me). My aunt came to visit me and told me that I need to start dating and finding someone since I have never had a boyfriend before. She asked me if anyone has asked me out yet and I told her that no man ever approach me and she got shocked and surprised. Yea I don’t understand either………?

“I don’t think I am ugly and I am in shape. I am at an average height as a woman and I even weigh a little below average for my height. Sometimes I get compliments on my appearance and family friends keep asking if I have a boyfriend yet and when I tell them no they can’t seem to understand why. Even one time my Uber driver asked if I had a boyfriend and I said no, he was surprised and said I’m attractive and he reassured me that I would find someone but no guys ever seem interested in me.

“Idk why I never get approached if I am not ugly……? People tell me many times that I have a very young looking face but should that stop men from approaching me?

“Idk what to do about my nonexistent dating life. I feel like I am pretty much, am about to be forever alone even though I am not ugly and I don’t have any physical defects. I am not going to approach a guy so please don’t tell me that is what I need to do.

“I just want all of this to end, I might just end it all.”

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