June 2, 2024


The All Progressive Congress APC in Zamfara wants the federal government to intensify security along the Kaduna-Abuja highway especially as train services is suspended

The ruling APC says the road will be very busy than before following the recent attack on Abuja-Kaduna train that led to the death of eight persons and many injured while others are still missing

In an interview with TVC NEWS, Spokesperson of the Zamfara APC Yusuf Idris Condemn the plan attack on Kaduna airport and train conveying nine hundred and seventy passengers Monday night

He says the Former Zamfara Deputy Governor Ibrahim Wakala who was involved in the train attack is fast responding to treatment after undergoing minor surgery on his leg

Yusuf Idris also Commend the gallantry of troops for the prompt response that let to the rescue of some passengers already abducted by the Bandits

On the just Concluded APC Convention, the Zamfara APC Spokesperson says the Successes recorded at the last Saturday convention is a clear signal that the party will be victorious in the 2023 General elections.

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