July 27, 2024


Unknown gunmen suspected to be Fulani have invaded Ago-Igbira, a community near Ila-Orangun and kidnap a Fulani herdman, Muhammed Jubril, from the community.

According to police, the attackers, numbering about eight, were suspected to be Fulani Bororo. They also shot at one person identified as Hassan Jubril.

A statement by SP Yemisi Opalola confirmed that the attack happened around 7am on Wednesday.

She said, “Immediately the incident was reported, Police in collaboration with Civilian Joint Faskforce (CJF) swung into action, combed the whole area, where Three (03) expended shells of AK47 rifle and cartridges were recovered from the scene.

“Meanwhile the combined teams of Police and CJF are combing the bush to rescue the victim and arrest the perpetrators.”

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