October 5, 2024

By Selin Girit, BBC World ServiceSix young individuals from Portugal, aged between 11 to 24, have launched a lawsuit against 32 governments, which includes all EU members, the UK, Russia, and others, over alleged inadequate actions towards climate change. The claimants believe these countries haven’t sufficiently tackled greenhouse gas emissions in alignment with the Paris Agreement’s target to confine global warming to 1.5C.

This unprecedented case, submitted to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), could result in legally binding consequences for the nations in question. The inaugural hearing took place earlier today.

The young plaintiffs argue that Portugal’s annual forest fires since 2017 are direct consequences of global warming. They assert their fundamental human rights are being compromised due to the nations’ lackluster response to climate change, causing them to suffer from eco-anxiety, allergies, and respiratory ailments like asthma.

The legal representatives for the young activists are set to highlight that the present policies of the 32 countries will likely lead to a 3C rise in global temperatures by the century’s end. Gearóid Ó Cuinn, from the Global Legal Action Network, emphasized the urgent need for action, stating that youth will endure harsh heat extremes affecting their well-being.

In response, the defending governments argue the claimants haven’t conclusively proven that they’ve been directly affected by climate change or its aftermath, like the Portuguese wildfires.

The ECHR’s decision, which is anticipated within 9 to 18 months, could mandate these governments to elevate their climate actions.

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