March 11, 2025

“The wagon of changes in this life is not moving automatically except with wholehearted striving of man to complement the dictates of destiny.”- Wisdom Library.

Scenario of changes in Osun state has unveiled the different between the power of love and the love of power. The reflection on the wind of changes partly centres in Osun state.
My good people of osun state, the masses voice determines the governments in the state, if expressed in the hour of need. Let us rise and support positive changes of manpower in government because our situation will be like building a mansion for somebody suffering from kwashiokor.
Meanwhile, let us allow the wind of constructive and collective service to blow for the production of more progressive things and for the establishment of more empowerment programmes for the people of Osun state.
We all believe in revolution through credible elections but credible candidate mostly unconcerned which makes the target missing. The party politics is another blunder that renews our tireless exertion. Personality politics regardless of party’s popularity can magnetise changes and development. The person put in power acts, not the name of the party itself.

At this junction, I implore you my ever reasonable people of Osun state that we should have it in our mind that, in the desert, where nothing but unity and progress. In diversity, hope and virtue could survive.
Therefore, let support, strive and Vote for Dr. Benedict Olugboyega Alabi (BOA), a home boy with vision.

Let us channel ourselves to register the fact that the trend of destiny can be modified by tenacious motive of people to live comfortably and enjoy the good governance.

NOTE: An ice-seller is at loss if he doesn’t sell his ice before it melts. We are at loss if we don’t choose and support the right and visionary person to be the next Governor in Osun State , 2018 and beyonds.

Conclusively, nothing goes without something and something happens not without anything. Therefore, let join our hands together for the progress of Osun State.
Failure will never overtake us if our definition to succeed is strong enough.

OSUN AJOSE, 2018 and beyonds.

By Tolulope Akobi

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