September 20, 2024

The Osun State House of Assembly has passed the Osun State Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities Prohibition Bill into law.

The House passed the bill during the plenary presided over by the Speaker, Hon. Adewale Egbedun on Tuesday.

Egbedun said the bill will be sent to the Governor for assent.

Expressing Gratitude to the Assembly, The Chairman of Joint Association of Persons with Disabilities, Stephen Oluwafemi commended the Members of the Assembly for their hardwork and dedicating to ensuring that the barriers of discrimination are lowered towards the special needs residents.

In an interview with Insight Media, he said “My joy can’t be contained today, this is the greatest news I have had in long time, finally we, residents with special needs are now included into the administration of the Government

“We can now enjoy basic social amenities from the Government and individuals without feeling intimidated”, he exclaimed.

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While waiting for the Governor’s assent on the proposed law, the Chairman appreciated the sponsor of the Bill, Hon Adewunmi Adeyemi for his dedication and thoroughness to pursue the Bill to become a law.

The Osun Disabilities Prohibition bill will provide persons with disabilities access to health, education, employment and other social amenities that bring about inclusion.

The bill was announced at the Assembly on the 26th of July, 2023.

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